Sunday, 28 July 2013

Derby SWP Weekly Update #1

Hello and welcome to the Derby SWP blog.

We will use this blog to provide updates on various activities and events, summaries of our meetings and let you know what is happening.

With that in mind, our first post is an update for the week ahead. Come and join us at any of these events!

SWP Film Night – Land and Freedom
This week we have a slight change to our usual meeting format. We will be showing Ken Loach's masterpiece Land and Freedom. At the height of the Spanish Civil War, a young Englishman volunteers to fight for the Republic and finds heroism, comradeship and betrayal behind the lines.

Thurs 1st August 7 pm West End Community Centre, Derby (see attached map for directions)
Demonstrate Against the Tories
On the 29th September the Tories will be holding their conference in Manchester. The trades unions and campaign groups have called a massive demonstration against them and their policies. If you would like to join in and need transport, let us know by replying to this email.

For more details see the Unite The Resistance website here:

Derby People's Assembly
Derby People's Assembly have decided to focus on building for the demonstration against the Tories on the 29th September.
There will be a banner and prop-making stall on Monday at the People's Kitchen at Boyer St Community Rooms from 6:30-8 pm. The props will be for a People's Assembly display and countdown to the 29th September, for a planned weekly stall. All welcome.
Some People's Assembly dates:
13th August – Action for Rail.  Two slots: 7-8.30am and 4.15-5.45pm at Derby Train Station

5th September – NHS Derby Hospital AGM meeting 5-8pm.  Make ourselves available.  The SOS NHS group to keep us posted with more details on organisational matters and action needed

6th September – Derby People’s next big official gathering at 6.30pm.  Place to be arranged.

Teachers on strike
The two largest teaching unions, NUT and NASUWT are engaged in a rolling programme of strike action in the autumn. The first will be in the week commencing September 30th, which Derby will be involved in. Before this there will be a rally in Nottingham on 14th September which we would like to get as many comrades to as possible. Further updates as we have them.

Any comments, ideas or information about campaigns in Derby? email us at