Branch Meetings
A reminder that our guest speaker for this week's meeting tomorrow will be introducing a no doubt lively discussion with Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013. Anti-Apartheid Hero: The Struggle Continues.
Next week, we have An Introduction to Marxist Economics, which should be a refreshing change from what we're fed by the Beeb!
Thursday 27th February, 7 pm, West End Community Centre.
Anti-Racism, Anti-Fascism National Demonstration
A reminder that on Saturday 22nd March there will be a national demonstration in London against the fascism of groups like the BNP and EDL and the racism of parties like UKIP to mark the UN's Anti-Racism Day. Unite Against Fascism supporters want to get a coachload of anti-racists from Derby - further details as we have them.
This is an event that all socialists should support, as the ruling class, the racists and the fascists once again try to divide working people from each other.