Hi everyone,
This week's SWP update is below!
This week we will be showing a short documentary: Not in our Name: the story of 9 people who took on an international arms company - and won. It tells the inspiring story of the Raytheon 9 protesters. We will ask - how and when can direct action be successful?
Thursday 29th May, 7 pm, West End Community Centre.
Marxism 2014
The Marxism festival is getting closer! If you haven't got your tickets yet, you can book them here and see a timetable here!
My pick of the week is a double bill: Where Next for South Africa, where a panel including documentary maker Rehad Desai, Ronnie Kasrils, a South African miner, and SWP national secretary Charlie Kimber, who has recently returned from South Africa will be discussing the future for South Africa. That will be at 7 pm and following will be a showing of Desai's documentary on the Marikana massacre, Miners Shot Down at 9 pm.
My pick of the week is a double bill: Where Next for South Africa, where a panel including documentary maker Rehad Desai, Ronnie Kasrils, a South African miner, and SWP national secretary Charlie Kimber, who has recently returned from South Africa will be discussing the future for South Africa. That will be at 7 pm and following will be a showing of Desai's documentary on the Marikana massacre, Miners Shot Down at 9 pm.
Action For Rail
There will be an Action for Rail event hosted by the RMT at the Waterfall near Derby station on 30th May, 5:30 pm. This will be following an event in Burton at 3 pm The Derby event will include Labour MP Chris Williamson and Green Party councillor Richard Mallender.
People's Assembly National Demonstration
will be a large national demonstration in London in support of an end
to austerity on 21st June. Obviously we need this to be as large and as
loud as possible, so if you can go, do!
There will be coaches from Derby for the demonstration
going at 9 am from Full Street. To get tickets contact Moz Greenshields
at mozgreenshields@tiscali.co.uk or 07889274723 via People's Assembly, or if you are a member of Unite, David Condliffe David.Condliffe@unitetheunion.