After a bit of an unavoidable hiatus (boring technical reasons), we hope to resume our weekly bulletins and keeping you up to date on the political happenings in Derby!
Branch Meetings
The SWP is a party of activists who know that we need to understand the world to be effective in our actions. Our meetings have a discussion about key issues: economic, political, historical and cultural; as well as planning for events and activities.We recently had a meeting on the politics of the situation in Ukraine, which we hope to upload to the blog shortly. It was an excellent introduction to a situation which is as complex as it is unpredictable.
We have no branch meeting this week, Thursday 2nd April, but will resume on Thursday 9th April, usual venue and time. Here are our next two meetings:
The following week, as the election looms ever closer, we tackle the issue faced by everyone who knows that the current political structures are not good enough, from Russell Brand to workers who know that they are being promised little by any of the parties: to vote or not to vote? Come and join us for what is sure to be a lively discussion! Thursday 16th April, 7 pm, West End Community Centre.
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Derby Stand Up To UKIP activities
We have been an active part of the anti-UKIP activities which have been successfully getting the word out to the people of Derby about UKIP's members and policies over the last few months. These activities will continue - we will update on the blog as we can, especially as the weekend of 11th - 12th April will be a Stand Up To UKIP weekend of action! If you're interested in finding out more, email
Silk Mill Rally
The annual Silk Mill march and rally, which commemorates the struggles of Derby's workers in one of the first industrial strikes the world has ever seen, is approaching. This will be on Saturday April 25th. It is a great opportunity to celebrate working class resistance and organisation, so join the march, organised by the Derby Trades Union Council and with the support of all the trades unions in the city!
Rage Against Racism demonstration
This year's Rage Against Racism demonstration on March 21st was even bigger than last years - sending a noisy, positive message of solidarity and multi-cultural inclusion! Read the report in Socialist Worker here.Can't make our meetings?
If you want to find out more about us, meet some of our comrades, sign up to any of our petitions, find out about campaigns we are involved in, buy our paper or get hold of some of our other literature, why not come along to the campaign stall on Saturdays?
Find us on St Peter's St from 12 pm!