Monday, 21 December 2015

Update #80

Hello everyone,
Welcome to this week's update from Derby Socialist Workers Party.

It's the last update of 2015: onwards to a bigger, better fightback against racism, fascism, the Tories and the capitalist system in 2016!

Branch Meetings

The SWP is a party of activists who know that we need to understand the world to be effective in our actions. Our meetings have a discussion about key issues: economic, political, historical and cultural; as well as planning for events and activities.

At our first public meeting of the new year we will
discuss the way forward for socialists in the year ahead - priorities,
challenges and prospects for those who want to build a better, fairer
world. Join us!
 Thursday 14th January 2016 at 7 pm, West End Community Centre!

All welcome. See you there!

Stand Up To Racism vigil

On Saturday the largest vigil yet took place in Derby, reclaiming the space occupied by fascist Britain First the previous week. A great turnout and buoyant mood helped to make this a really positive event.
Derby Stand Up To Racism Campaign are holding a launch meeting in January - this should be a high priority for socialists and all other anti-racists!

More details on the Derby Stand Up To Racism Facebook page - search Facebook for Derby Stand Up to Racism or click on this link.

Stop The War - National Demonstration

Our report from the national demonstration is now up on the blog here.

Can't make our meetings?
If you want to find out more about us, meet some of our comrades, sign up to any of our petitions, find out about campaigns we are involved in, buy our paper or get hold of some of our other literature, why not come along to the campaign stall on Saturdays?

Find us on St Peter's St from 12 pm!

Thursday, 17 December 2015

Report from National Stop the War Demonstration in London

Last Saturday several comrades joined the national Stop the War demonstration calling for an end to bombing in Syria. Here's a report back from the day!

We arrived outside the BBC headquarters and there was already a huge crowd gathered. There was a palpable feeling of excitement and energy. It had attracted a big mixture of ages, lots of students and middle-aged people. One group were chanting "they say warfare, we say welfare!" 

The mood of the march was peaceful and friendly, as far as I could tell. 

Walking straight through the centre of London was an interesting experience. On both sides of the pavement people were stopping to stare and gawp at us. Generally people looked quite taken aback by it.

The speeches were good, most people there were united as one. 

Overall it was a great day. There was a decent turn out and it felt good to be part of it. 

This 1 minute video gives a decent general overview

Saturday, 12 December 2015

Update #79

Hello everyone,
Welcome to this week's update from Derby Socialist Workers Party. What's going on? Find out below!

Branch Meetings

The SWP is a party of activists who know that we need to understand the world to be effective in our actions. Our meetings have a discussion about key issues: economic, political, historical and cultural; as well as planning for events and activities.

This week: in the run up to Xmas, something a bit more cultural and informal - Dusty Springfield, Sex and the Sixties! Join us where we will hear and discuss author Alan Gibbons' talk from this year's Marxism Festival, on Thursday 17th December at 7 pm, West End Community Centre! (refreshments provided!)

All welcome. See you there!

Stop The War - National Demonstration

Several comrades joined the national demonstration against bombing Syria in London on Saturday 12th December. A report will be on our blog as soon as possible.

There was also a local demonstration - a vigil organised by local students outside the Council House. They were lively and friendly, and several comrades were present to show their support. It was, unfortunately a positive event marred by the arrival of Britain First thugs (see below).

Stand Up To Racism vigil

On Saturday 12th December, Nazi thugs Britain First turned up in Derby once more. Unfortunately this was a big day for them. They spent a lot of time on St Peter's St, spreading their racist message and intimidating passers-by. They then followed this up by threatening, harrassing and intiidating a small, peaceful candlelit vigil against the bombing of Syria outside the Council House. The students who called the event were brilliant, refusing to rise to the hysterical shouting and screaming of the racists.

This group are becoming a recurrent problem in our city. We must stand up to their raids and tell them next time they come that they are not welcome here. We need a mass movement. The first step towards building this has to be the biggest vigil possible Saturday 19th December at 10 am on St Peter's St. If you can come, please do - and spread the word! When fascists feel confident, we all feel the effects, but they can be stopped by unity!

A Derby group of Stand up to Racism has been set up - search Facebook for Derby Stand Up to Racism!

After Paris Killings: No to racism and war

Our recent talk on the way in which the awful murders in Paris would be used by our rulers to make war and the right to whip up racism is now on the blog here.

Can't make our meetings?
If you want to find out more about us, meet some of our comrades, sign up to any of our petitions, find out about campaigns we are involved in, buy our paper or get hold of some of our other literature, why not come along to the campaign stall on Saturdays?

Find us on St Peter's St from 12 pm!

After Paris Killings: No to Racism, No to War

Recently we had a discussion on the topic of the horrific murders in Paris and the ways in which these deaths would be used by our leaders to justify war and the right to fuel racism against Muslims and immigrants.

We are occasionally able to present the text of these talks. Although the speaker didn't rigidly follow the whole of the below, here's the piece upon which our discussion was based. We had a great discussion on the night - if you like what you read here, why not join us at our next meeting?

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Update #78

Hello everyone,
Welcome to this week's update from Derby Socialist Workers Party. What's going on? Find out below!

Branch Meetings

The SWP is a party of activists who know that we need to understand the world to be effective in our actions. Our meetings have a discussion about key issues: economic, political, historical and cultural; as well as planning for events and activities.

This week's meeting: 75 years after his murder, what do Trotsky and Trotskyism mean today? Join us on Thursday 10th December at 7 pm, West End Community Centre!

All welcome. See you there!

Stop The War - National Demonstration

In the wake of the Tory (and Labour right's) decision to further worsen the situation in Syria by joining the bombing of an already devastated country in a desperately cynical bid to have a seat at the table when it comes to dividing the country up when the dust settles, Stop The War have called a national demonstration in London. If you oppose this gross injustice that will do nothing but further harm ordinary people living in terror of ISIS, join the demonstration! For transport to London, contact us on 07742 532 677 or

The government does not have the support of the leader of the opposition, or the electorate. It doesn't even have the support of all the media. It certainly has no rational case for war. Together we can stop the Tories and the other Westminster warmongers!

Stand Up To Racism vigil

Last Saturday Nazi organisation Britain First once again came to Derby, spreading their hatred. Stand Up To Racism put out a call for anti-racists to hold a vigil on St Peter's Street to send the message that they are not welcome in Derby. Many enthusiastic people turned out - hopefully a serious Stand Up To Racism organisation can be built in Derby to be prepared for the Nazis if they decide to come back to our city.

The People's March for Climate, Justice and Jobs

A report from last Sunday's march is on the blog here.

Can't make our meetings?
If you want to find out more about us, meet some of our comrades, sign up to any of our petitions, find out about campaigns we are involved in, buy our paper or get hold of some of our other literature, why not come along to the campaign stall on Saturdays?

Find us on St Peter's St from 12 pm!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

Britain's Biggest Ever Climate March

50,000 people marched in London last Sunday in the largest march demanding immediate and significant action to prevent 2 degree climate warming that has been seen in Britain.

Recently it was announced that the Earth has warmed by 1 degree since the industrial revolution began, and that the rate of warming is rapidly increasing. We are already experiencing the effects of climate change, but the scientific consensus is that if we are to avoid runaway climate change, where the climate will begin to warm more and more rapidly, we must act now.

At this year's Marxism festival there were some great talks on climate change, but this one by Suzanne Jeffrey was particularly pertinent:

ISIS, War and Our Rulers - What You Need to Know

Stand Up To Racism Call Vigil Against Britain First

Dear Friend
Last Saturday the fascist organisation Britain First once again targetted Derby. Their 'Midland Division' descended on our city and about 10-15 of them handed out rabid, racist anti-Islam leaflets. We cannot allow this disgusting organisation to gain a foothold in Derby so please join a peaceful protest vigil this Saturday from 10am - 11am outside St Peter's Church on St Peter's Street (the site of the BF stall last Saturday).
We will be handing out leaflets and talking to the general public about why we need to counter Britain First wherever they appear. 
It is highly unlikely that Britain First will return this Saturday but if they do we need to make sure there are many more of us than them so that we can occupy the space and show them how unwelcome they are. Please come, bring friends, family and placards - spread the word and let's show these people they are NOT WELCOME IN DERBY.

Called by Derby Stand Up To Racism