Welcome to your weekly update from Derby Socialist Workers Party!
Branch Meetings
There will be no branch meeting next week due to the Marxism 2014 Festival.
Our next branch meeting on the 17th July will be the rescheduled Art and Protest meeting which unfortunately had to be postponed due to circumstances beyond our control
The following week, on Thursday 24th July we will be discussing the role of trades unions for revolutionaries, with Can Trades Unions Change Society?
Both meetings start at 7 pm at the West End Community Centre, Mackworth Road, Derby.

10th July - Build the Fightback!
Next week will see the biggest strikes since November 30th. Workers will be sending a powerful message to the Con-Dems, and the more visible we are on the day the harder we are to ignore, by the public, the media and the government.
Unison, GMB, the PCS and NUT, Unite and the FBU are all now committed to joint action on the day.
To make the strike as effective as possible we need to be visible, and doing everything we can to make sure the public understand why we are taking action and the threats we all face to our services! Push for members in your workplace to demonstrate on the day!
Marxism 2014
One Week To Go!
Marxism is the largest festival of its kind in Europe. Thousands of socialists from the UK and around the world will be attending a range of meetings and events covering all aspects of left politics.
Get your tickets here: http://www.marxismfestival. org.uk/booking.htm
Timetable available here: http://www.marxismfestival. org.uk/timetable
Branch Secretary's pick of the week
My pick from the timetable this week is another newly announced meeting - hot off the press!
Karmi, a leading Palestinian activist, academic and writer will speak on “The
Future for Palestine”
10th July at 4.45pm
out her books at
http://www.bookmarksbookshop.UPDATE: Thanks to the reader who pointed out that the rally will in fact be on Thursday, not Wednesday as originally written. That's THURSDAY THE 10TH JULY, comrades!
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