Wednesday 18 June 2014

Weekly Update #32

Hi everyone, this week's SWP update is a little later than usual, apologies.

Branch Meeting

This subject of this week's branch meeting is the radical political movements that arose during the English Civil War - the Diggers and the Levellers: Britain's radical tradition.

Come down for a lively discussion and to get involved in the fightback!

This Thursday, 7 pm, West End Community Centre.

Marxism 2014

This year's Marxism festival is fast approaching - have you got your tickets yet?

Marxism is the largest festival of its kind in Europe. Thousands of socialists from the UK and around the world will be attending a range of meetings and events covering all aspects of left politics.

Branch Secretary's pick of the week
My pick from the timetable this week is How can trades unions resist the Tories, which Liz Lawrence, Ronnie Draper and others  will be giving in the Elivn Hall, Saturday 2.00-3.15 pm. With the prospect of mass strikes from several of the country's largest unions the week before the meeting this should be pretty lively!

People's Assembly National Demonstration

On June 21st there will be a large national demonstration called by the People's Assembly, a broad anti-austerity organisation which the SWP wholeheartedly supports.

Obviously we need this to be as large and as loud as possible, so if you can go, do!
The first coach is now mostly full but a second coach is being organised. Contact Moz for more details.
There will be coaches from Derby for the demonstration going at 9 am from Full Street. To get tickets contact Moz Greenshields at or 07889274723 via People's Assembly, or if you are a member of Unite, David Condliffe or 07791 113 806.

Defend the Right to Resist / Hands Off Our Unions!

There will be a public meeting on 25th June about the attacks workers are facing as they organise to fight back against austerity.
The event is co-hosted by People's Assembly and the Derby Area Trades Union Council (DATUC), and speakers will include the Secretary of DATUC, Moz Greenshields, and Assistant General Secretary of Unite, Steve Turner.
Obviously we want this meeting to be as big a success as possible, so if you can attend do, and let people know about it (see attached flyer)!

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