Sunday 22 June 2014

Weekly Update #33

Hello everyone,
Welcome to your slightly more timely weekly update. This is your socialist political week in Derby!

Branch Meeting

This week our guest speaker will be introducing the politics of the party, with the politics of the SWP.

So if you've seen us in town, signed a petition, maybe bought a copy of Socialist Worker, and want to know more about who we are, what we stand for and how we work, why not come down to the West End Community Centre this Thursday?

Thursday June 26th 7 pm, West End Community Centre, Mackworth Road.

Marxism 2014

Our branch meeting this week is especially topical as Marxism 2014 is nearly upon us!

Marxism is the largest festival of its kind in Europe. Thousands of socialists from the UK and around the world will be attending a range of meetings and events covering all aspects of left politics.

Branch Secretary's pick of the week

My pick from the timetable this week is Why did the world go to war in 1914?, which Michael Bradley will be giving in the GC, Saturday 11.45 am - 1 pm.

This year being the centenary of the outbreak of WWI and it being almost exactly 100 years since the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, why did the workers' organisations which had all pledged not to take part in an imperialist conflict collapse and allow 4 years of the most brutal war that the world had ever seen - and what are the lessons for today?

People's Assembly National Demonstration

The demonstration was a great success, with some Derby protesters having to share Chesterfield's coach as the Derby one was full! For a more full update and photos (plus Top 10 Placards and Placardeers) see our blog post at

Defend the Right to Resist / Hands Off Our Unions

There will be a public meeting on 25th June about the attacks workers are facing as they organise to fight back against austerity.
The event is co-hosted by People's Assembly and the Derby Area Trades Union Council (DATUC), and speakers will include the Secretary of DATUC, Moz Greenshields, and Assistant General Secretary of Unite, Steve Turner.
Obviously we want this meeting to be as big a success as possible, so if you can attend do, and let people know about it!

10th July: Build the Fightback

On 10th July there could be up to 1.5 million workers on strike - the biggest since the November 30th public sector strike in 2011.

If your union is currently balloting over strike action - PCS, Unison, Unite or GMB, make sure you cast your vote and send a resounding message of support for action over the attacks on our public services!

The NUT is committed to action on the 10th July - make sure you are out on pickets and demonstrations on the day.

To make the strike as effective as possible we need to be visible, and doing everything we can to make sure the public understand why we are taking action and the threats we all face to our services! Push for your union to demonstrate on the day!

The FBU was out again on strike action yesterday. Their determination to stand up to this government is fantastic and fire fighters deserve our full support.

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